Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I have to live before I die

In the maze of life I walked
And ran in the search of life
I was alone for months and years
But I had to fight to survive

Then I heard something behind a door
And struggled to reach the other side
I thought I was a step closer
But only found three walls inside

The sound of life was persistent
And the walls were too strong to break
I knew I had to move further
But the door was only at my back

I tried and cried alternatively
And kept on scratching the wall
Thinking of the redemption day
But was left only with a tired soul

I cried again and took a step backward
And made a cross with my bleeding fingers
I had tried enough for a human
But I have to live before I die.


Carpe Diem... said...

Why so much depression? In fact, I have a feelin u started to write this piece with some idea in mind, and then lost track of that in the middle ...

~ Ankit Bhalerao ~

Shaz L said...
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